Your health analysis with the Fit Track: Dara Smart Scale

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This year it’s been hard to stick to a health plan, let alone any plan. With the Fit Track Dara smart scale, I can track my fitness progress at home to analyze my body metrics via Bluetooth with the Fit Track App. The scale helps to measure my overall health and not just focus on one number, your weight. It’s easy to do, just download the Fit Track App on your phone, set up a profile with your name, age, height and you’re ready to go.

With a step onto the Dara smart scale, you can find out your body water percentage and check your water intake to find out if you’re staying hydrated enough. You can also check if all your at-home workouts are keeping your body tone with the muscle mass calculation. The scale will also tell you if you’re getting enough protein in your meals at home by checking your protein level. Health is not a one-size-fits-all or a quick fix, it’s something that’s tailored to you. I’ve found this scale to be helpful in more ways than one with its body analysis, and now I’m right on track.

Fit Track Dara Smart Scale

Use code: JULIET20 for an additional 20% off now to start making a plan that’s right for you.

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